When you buy a new car, you should think about buying car insurance and have to consider a number of factors, including coverage, cost and more. Usually, when people hear the word "comprehensive" they might think "It includes everything", but in terms of car insurance, the word has a different meaning.
At At GUARDIAN INSURANCE AGENCY located in Fairburn, Lagrange and Norcross, we want to give you all the information that you need to know about comprehensive auto insurance:
- Comprehensive insurance is an optional auto insurance coverage that can help protect your car against damages that are not related to a collision as well as theft. It covers a wide range of events that can damage your car, including vandalism, fires, and rockslides on twisting mountain roads.
- Although car insurance provides extremely valuable protections, towing, rental and personal property coverages are not among them, but just because comprehensive does not cover everything outside of collisions does not mean comprehensive insurance is not valuable.
- Comprehensive insurance can help you pay for the repair of your car, or even help replace it completely in the event of a total loss, due to any of the following:
1. Damage not resulting from a collision, including:
*Falling objects
*Certain natural disasters
3.Glass damage
4.Damage from hitting an animal
- What you must pay for comprehensive insurance coverage is determined differently than for basic coverages like property damage and personal injury liability. With these coverages, the amount of protection you buy dictates the cost. The cost of comprehensive insurance coverage varies depending on the deductible you select. The higher the deductible, the less you will spend on your premium, but the more you will spend out of pocket if you file a claim.
- No state requires comprehensive coverage, but people who finance or lease their car will probably find that their lender or lessee requires it. Lenders and lessees are the official owners of the vehicle, so they want to make sure they are adequately protected in case of an incident. For the same reasons, you will rarely be able to purchase comprehensive insurance without also buying bodily injury liability and collision coverage.
Remember that a car insurance policy may help protect your wallet, your vehicle and even offer peace of mind. Contact us for more Information, At GUARDIAN INSURANCE AGENCY located in Fairburn, Lagrange and Norcross, we can help you choose the coverage that's right for your needs.
For more Information contact us: (706) 884-5006 or (770) 969-5666
Remember that a car insurance policy may help protect your wallet, your vehicle and even offer peace of mind. Contact us for more Information, At GUARDIAN INSURANCE AGENCY located in Fairburn, Lagrange and Norcross, we can help you choose the coverage that's right for your needs.
For more Information contact us: (706) 884-5006 or (770) 969-5666
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